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Room: 516

Associate Professor

Research teams:
Zespół algorytmów inteligencji obliczeniowej i ich zastosowań

Inteligetne aplikacje internetowe lab
Inteligetne aplikacje internetowe wyk
Inteligentne aplikacje internetowe lab
Inteligentne aplikacje internetowe wyk
Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych lab
Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych wyk
PhD DSc Eng Krystian Łapa
Office hours: Po poprzednim umówieniu się: Czwartek 12:00-14:00. Inne dni po odpowiednich ustaleniach indywidualnych.

Papers (55)

2024 (1)

Increasing the explainability and trustiness of Wang–Mendel fuzzy system for classification problems
Lapa K., Increasing the explainability and trustiness of Wang–Mendel fuzzy system for classification problems, Applied Soft Computing, 167, 167, 2024, Cites: 0

2023 (2)

Lapa K., Rutkowska D., Byrski A., Napoli C., A NEW APPROACH TO DETECTING AND PREVENTING POPULATIONS STAGNATION THROUGH DYNAMIC CHANGES IN MULTI-POPULATION-BASED ALGORITHMS, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 13, 13, 289-306, 2023, Cites: 0
Multi-population-based Algorithms with Different Migration Topologies and Their Improvement by Population Re-initialization
Lapa K., Multi-population-based Algorithms with Different Migration Topologies and Their Improvement by Population Re-initialization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14125 LNAI, 14125 LNAI, 399-414, 2023, Cites: 1

2022 (2)

Multi-Population-Based Algorithm with an Exchange of Training Plans Based on Population Evaluation
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Kisiel-Dorohinicki M., Paszkowski J., Debski M., Le V.-H., Multi-Population-Based Algorithm with an Exchange of Training Plans Based on Population Evaluation, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 12, 12, 239-253, 2022, Cites: 4
A population-based algorithm with the selection of evaluation precision and size of the population
Cpalka K., Slowik A., Lapa K., A population-based algorithm with the selection of evaluation precision and size of the population, Applied Soft Computing, 115, 115, 2022, Cites: 6

2021 (1)

Population Management Approaches in the OPn Algorithm
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Slowik A., Population Management Approaches in the OPn Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12854 LNAI, 12854 LNAI, 402-414, 2021, Cites: 1

2020 (7)

Cascade PID Controller Optimization Using Bison Algorithm
Kazikova A., Lapa K., Pluhacek M., Senkerik R., Cascade PID Controller Optimization Using Bison Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12415 LNAI, 12415 LNAI, 406-416, 2020, Cites: 1
An interpretable fuzzy system in the on-line signature scalable verification
Zalasinski M., Cpalka K., Lapa K., An interpretable fuzzy system in the on-line signature scalable verification, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2020-July, 2020-July, 2020, Cites: 4
Multipopulation Nature-Inspired Algorithm (MNIA) for the Designing of Interpretable Fuzzy Systems
Slowik A., Cpalka K., Lapa K., Multipopulation Nature-Inspired Algorithm (MNIA) for the Designing of Interpretable Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 28, 28, 1125-1139, 2020, Cites: 15
Intelligent Approach to the Prediction of Changes in Biometric Attributes
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Laskowska M., Intelligent Approach to the Prediction of Changes in Biometric Attributes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 28, 28, 1073-1083, 2020, Cites: 5
A Population-Based Method with Selection of a Search Operator
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Niksa-Rynkiewicz T., Wang L., A Population-Based Method with Selection of a Search Operator, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12415 LNAI, 12415 LNAI, 429-444, 2020, Cites: 0
Evolutionary Algorithm with a Configurable Search Mechanism
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Laskowski L., Cader A., Zeng Z., Evolutionary Algorithm with a Configurable Search Mechanism, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 10, 10, 151-171, 2020, Cites: 12
On-Line Signature Partitioning Using a Population Based Algorithm
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Cpalka K., Przybyszewski K., Yen G.G., On-Line Signature Partitioning Using a Population Based Algorithm, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 10, 10, 5-13, 2020, Cites: 11

2019 (7)

On Explainable Recommender Systems Based on Fuzzy Rule Generation Techniques
Rutkowski T., Lapa K., Nowicki R., Nielek R., Grzanek K., On Explainable Recommender Systems Based on Fuzzy Rule Generation Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11508 LNAI, 11508 LNAI, 358-372, 2019, Cites: 8
Hybrid Multi-population Based Approach for Controllers Structure and Parameters Selection
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Paszkowski J., Hybrid Multi-population Based Approach for Controllers Structure and Parameters Selection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11508 LNAI, 11508 LNAI, 456-468, 2019, Cites: 3
Algorithm Based on Population with a Flexible Search Mechanism
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Zalasinski M., Algorithm Based on Population with a Flexible Search Mechanism, IEEE Access, 7, 7, 132253-132270, 2019, Cites: 5
The Method of Predicting Changes of a Dynamic Signature Using Possibilities of Population-Based Algorithms
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Cpalka K., Marchlewska A., The Method of Predicting Changes of a Dynamic Signature Using Possibilities of Population-Based Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11508 LNAI, 11508 LNAI, 540-549, 2019, Cites: 2
Meta-optimization of multi-objective population-based algorithms using multi-objective performance metrics
Lapa K., Meta-optimization of multi-objective population-based algorithms using multi-objective performance metrics, Information Sciences, 489, 489, 193-204, 2019, Cites: 11
On Explainable Fuzzy Recommenders and their Performance Evaluation
Rutkowski T., Lapa K., Nielek R., On Explainable Fuzzy Recommenders and their Performance Evaluation, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 29, 29, 595-610, 2019, Cites: 25
On explainable flexible fuzzy recommender and its performance evaluation using the akaike information criterion
Rutkowski T., Lapa K., Jaworski M., Nielek R., Rutkowska D., On explainable flexible fuzzy recommender and its performance evaluation using the akaike information criterion, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1142 CCIS, 1142 CCIS, 717-724, 2019, Cites: 15

2018 (10)

Prediction of values of the dynamic signature features
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Cpalka K., Prediction of values of the dynamic signature features, Expert Systems with Applications, 104, 104, 86-96, 2018, Cites: 19
Multi-objective evolutionary instance selection for regression tasks
Kordos M., Lapa K., Multi-objective evolutionary instance selection for regression tasks, Entropy, 20, 20, 2018, Cites: 13
Population-based algorithm with selectable evolutionary operators for nonlinear modeling
Lapa K., Population-based algorithm with selectable evolutionary operators for nonlinear modeling, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 655, 655, 15-26, 2018, Cites: 0
Flexible Fuzzy PID Controller (FFPIDC) and a Nature-Inspired Method for Its Construction
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Flexible Fuzzy PID Controller (FFPIDC) and a Nature-Inspired Method for Its Construction, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, 14, 1078-1088, 2018, Cites: 28
Obtaining pareto front in instance selection with ensembles and populations
Kordos M., Wydrzynski M., Lapa K., Obtaining pareto front in instance selection with ensembles and populations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10841 LNAI, 10841 LNAI, 438-448, 2018, Cites: 3
New aspects of interpretability of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modeling
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Rutkowski L., New aspects of interpretability of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modeling, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 738, 738, 225-264, 2018, Cites: 16
Evolutionary approach for automatic design of PID controllers
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Evolutionary approach for automatic design of PID controllers, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 738, 738, 353-373, 2018, Cites: 1
Negative space-based population initialization algorithm (NSPIA)
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Przybyl A., Grzanek K., Negative space-based population initialization algorithm (NSPIA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10841 LNAI, 10841 LNAI, 449-461, 2018, Cites: 8
PID-fuzzy controllers with dynamic structure and evolutionary method for their construction
Lapa K., Cpalka K., PID-fuzzy controllers with dynamic structure and evolutionary method for their construction, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 655, 655, 138-148, 2018, Cites: 1
Genetic programming algorithm for designing of control systems
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Przybyl A., Genetic programming algorithm for designing of control systems, Information Technology and Control, 47, 47, 668-683, 2018, Cites: 17

2017 (7)

Fuzzy PID controllers with FIR filtering and a method for their construction
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Przybyl A., Saito T., Fuzzy PID controllers with FIR filtering and a method for their construction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10246 LNAI, 10246 LNAI, 292-307, 2017, Cites: 5
A method for nonlinear fuzzy modelling using population based algorithm with flexibly selectable operators
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Wang L., A method for nonlinear fuzzy modelling using population based algorithm with flexibly selectable operators, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10245 LNAI, 10245 LNAI, 263-278, 2017, Cites: 3
Hybrid initialization in the process of evolutionary learning
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Hayashi Y., Hybrid initialization in the process of evolutionary learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10245 LNAI, 10245 LNAI, 380-393, 2017, Cites: 4
A new algorithm for online management of fuzzy rules base for nonlinear modeling
Lapa K., A new algorithm for online management of fuzzy rules base for nonlinear modeling, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 521, 521, 15-28, 2017, Cites: 0
Elastic FOPID+FIR controller design using hybrid population-based algorithm
Lapa K., Elastic FOPID+FIR controller design using hybrid population-based algorithm, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 522, 522, 15-26, 2017, Cites: 3
A method for changes prediction of the dynamic signature global features over time
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Cpalka K., Saito T., A method for changes prediction of the dynamic signature global features over time, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10245 LNAI, 10245 LNAI, 761-772, 2017, Cites: 3
Weighted fuzzy genetic programming algorithm for structure and parameters selection of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Weighted fuzzy genetic programming algorithm for structure and parameters selection of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 521, 521, 157-174, 2017, Cites: 0

2016 (9)

The method of the evolutionary designing the elastic controller structure
Przybyl A., Lapa K., Szczypta J., Wang L., The method of the evolutionary designing the elastic controller structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9692, 9692, 476-492, 2016, Cites: 3
New method for fuzzy nonlinear modelling based on genetic programming
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Koprinkova-Hristova P., New method for fuzzy nonlinear modelling based on genetic programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9692, 9692, 432-449, 2016, Cites: 5
Nonlinear pattern classification using fuzzy system and hybrid genetic-imperialist algorithm
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Nonlinear pattern classification using fuzzy system and hybrid genetic-imperialist algorithm, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 432, 432, 159-171, 2016, Cites: 4
New approach for interpretability of neuro-fuzzy systems with parametrized triangular norms
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Wang L., New approach for interpretability of neuro-fuzzy systems with parametrized triangular norms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9692, 9692, 248-265, 2016, Cites: 3
Aspects of structure selection and parameters tuning of control systems using hybrid genetic-fruit fly algorithm
Szczypta J., Lapa K., Aspects of structure selection and parameters tuning of control systems using hybrid genetic-fruit fly algorithm, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 429, 429, 101-110, 2016, Cites: 0
On the application of a hybrid genetic-firework algorithm for controllers structure and parameters selection
Lapa K., Cpalka K., On the application of a hybrid genetic-firework algorithm for controllers structure and parameters selection, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 429, 429, 111-123, 2016, Cites: 16
Aspects of evolutionary construction of new flexible PID-fuzzy controller
Lapa K., Szczypta J., Saito T., Aspects of evolutionary construction of new flexible PID-fuzzy controller, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9692, 9692, 450-464, 2016, Cites: 6
New approach for nonlinear modelling based on online designing of the fuzzy rule base
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Hayashi Y., New approach for nonlinear modelling based on online designing of the fuzzy rule base, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9692, 9692, 230-247, 2016, Cites: 1
A new method for generating of fuzzy rules for the nonlinear modelling based on semantic genetic programming
Bartczuk L., Lapa K., Koprinkova-Hristova P., A new method for generating of fuzzy rules for the nonlinear modelling based on semantic genetic programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9693, 9693, 262-278, 2016, Cites: 12

2015 (3)

A new approach to design of control systems using genetic programming
Cpalka K., Lapa K., Przybyl A., A new approach to design of control systems using genetic programming, Information Technology and Control, 44, 44, 433-442, 2015, Cites: 40
Aspects of structure and parameters selection of control systems using selected multi-population algorithms
Lapa K., Szczypta J., Venkatesan R., Aspects of structure and parameters selection of control systems using selected multi-population algorithms, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 9120, 9120, 247-260, 2015, Cites: 20
A new interpretability criteria for neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear classification
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Galushkin A.I., A new interpretability criteria for neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear classification, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 9119, 9119, 448-468, 2015, Cites: 12

2014 (3)

Aspects of the selection of the structure and parameters of controllers using selected population based algorithms
Szczypta J., Lapa K., Shao Z., Aspects of the selection of the structure and parameters of controllers using selected population based algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8467 LNAI, 8467 LNAI, 440-454, 2014, Cites: 17
A new method for designing neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling with interpretability aspects
Cpalka K., Lapa K., Przybyl A., Zalasinski M., A new method for designing neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling with interpretability aspects, Neurocomputing, 135, 135, 203-217, 2014, Cites: 82
New method for design of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling using different criteria of interpretability
Lapa K., Cpalka K., Wang L., New method for design of fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling using different criteria of interpretability, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8467 LNAI, 8467 LNAI, 217-232, 2014, Cites: 39

2013 (3)

A new approach to designing interpretable models of dynamic systems
Lapa K., Przybyl A., Cpalka K., A new approach to designing interpretable models of dynamic systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7895 LNAI, 7895 LNAI, 523-534, 2013, Cites: 46
A new method for designing and complexity reduction of neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling
Lapa K., Zalasinski M., Cpalka K., A new method for designing and complexity reduction of neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7894 LNAI, 7894 LNAI, 329-344, 2013, Cites: 38
New algorithm for evolutionary selection of the dynamic signature global features
Zalasinski M., Lapa K., Cpalka K., New algorithm for evolutionary selection of the dynamic signature global features, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7895 LNAI, 7895 LNAI, 113-121, 2013, Cites: 38
